Work package I

Knowhow transfer and overall concept

The first work package comprises the preparation of a White Book with a describing baseline which is based on a study of energy savings in Germany including a description of the concept of REEG, a previous B.A.U.M. project in energy efficiency in Germany. By analysing and describing legal and political frameworks and their impact at Poland and Hungary on national, regional and local levels, the project partner FEWE and KÖVET point out their opportunities for ALLIES.

On an internal project conference, the project partner and ADB members discuss and analyse the German experience of an LFEEE, Locally-rooted Financing Entity for Energy Efficiency, which is also building on REEG. These experiences enable the project partner to create a country specific overall concept which has to contain political frameworks and their impact for ALLIES, investors and stakeholders like governments, financial institutions, SMEs and NGOs. As soon as the first chapters of the White book, including the analysis of the country specific frameworks and the German REEG experiences, are written the project partner develop a set of criteria for choosing pilot regions and municipalities.